The vast majority of activities and interaction within the club requires membership. For more details, please visit our Membership page.
Every year we have a spring and fall social events for members and club sponsors. Our club annual general meeting is combined with the spring social to encourage and enable as many members as possible to attend.
Watch our Discourse Forum and social media for current events and updates.
Our activities as a club are grouped around our Ride, Race, Lead principles. What we do most is our regular scheduled rides. In addition to our scheduled rides there are special events like the CX social, adopt-a-road, and club socials.
For tips on using Ride with GPS and our other digital tools see our Online Services Frequently Asked Questions
Our Discourse Forum allows for staying in touch with other members electronically. Or social media channels allow you to stay connected. For more information see our Contact page.
The club kit is made to order and members order directly through the manufacturer. We normally do a couple of ordering periods; the first in early spring and second in late summer. The club does not hold any stock or extras for purchase. The Clothing page has the details.