Discipline and Complaints Policy
Waterloo Cycling Club (the Organization) expects respectful behaviour and compliance with all policies, guidelines and Bylaws. This Policy is intended to deal with significant departures from those expectations.
Any Member may bring a written complaint to the Board of Directors (by email to info@waterloocyclingclub.ca or by hand delivery to a Board of Directors member), alleging of another Member:
Repeated minor incidents
Violations of federal, provincial, and municipal laws (e.g. HTA, violence, harassment during club activities).
Pranks, jokes, or other activities that endanger the safety of others
Conduct that damages the Organization’s image, credibility, or reputation
Major or repeated violations of the Organization’s bylaws, policies, rules, and regulations
Damaging Organization property or improperly handling Organization monies
Use of any drugs or substances, legal or illegal, that endangers the safety of self or others
A conviction for any Criminal Code offense that is relevant to club activities
Upon receipt of a written complaint, the Board will appoint a panel of three Directors to investigate the facts of the case and determine if any disciplinary action is warranted. One of the panel will be appointed Discipline Chair. The panel will always give the complainant an opportunity to respond to the alleged actions, in writing or orally. If disciplinary action is warranted, sanctions may include:
Verbal or written reprimand
Verbal or written apology
Service or other contribution to the Organization
Removal of certain privileges
Suspension from certain events, and/or activities
Suspension from all Organization activities for a designated period of time
Removal of membership
Any other sanction considered appropriate for the offense
Appeal process
The Respondent may contest the sanction by submitting a written Appeal within seven (7) days of receiving the sanction. In the Appeal, the Respondent must indicate:
Why the sanction is inappropriate;
All evidence to support the Respondent’s position; and
What penalty or sanction (if any) would be appropriate
Upon receiving an Appeal, the Discipline Chair may decide to accept or reject the Respondent’s suggestion for an appropriate sanction.
Should the Discipline Chair accept the Respondent’s suggestion for an appropriate sanction, that sanction will take effect immediately.
Should the Discipline Chair not accept the Respondent’s suggestion for an appropriate sanction, the original sanction will take effect.
Records of all decisions will be maintained by the Organization.
The discipline and complaints process is confidential and involves only the Parties, the Discipline Panel, and any independent advisors to the Discipline Panel. Once initiated and until a decision is released, none of the Parties will disclose confidential information relating to the discipline or complaint to any person not involved in the proceedings.