Tuesday HIIT

Arrive 10 minutes early for announcements and to find your group.

High intensity interval training.

You won’t want to miss the Tuesday HIIT group ride – for many WCC members it will be the fastest, hardest ride of the week but with the most benefits! Each group of 8-15 cyclists will ride in tight, rotating pacelines over a selected course depending on the season to gain the benefits of short, powerful work intervals followed by a quick recovery interval before putting in another hard effort. All cyclists, from racers to the time-crunched cyclists will find the HIIT workout is the key to becoming more efficient & effective and therefore providing the potential to go further and faster!

The purpose of interval training is to enhance the cyclist’s ability to produce and tolerate lactic acid during a hard effort. Interval training is intense, demanding, and quite often painful in a good way! Done right, with other cyclists of like ability, the HIIT group ride will be the hardest of the week and should be followed by a recovery day (or two).

Since the HIIT group ride has a maximum of 15 riders per group you will need to choose your group wisely in order to get the maximum benefit out of the training ride. The first group to depart the parking lot will have advanced cyclists who are fast and/or are training to race. The groups will depart in declining pace. You can use our Ride Culture pace to help understand what to expect from the various groups. In all cases, the Tuesday HIIT group training road ride is designed to improve fitness levels and enhance group riding skills.

Note: Unfortunately, if you are unable to hold the posted pace for your chosen group you may be dropped even if you are in the final group.

Note: Riders new to group riding should graduate from the Wednesday Learn to Group Ride program prior to attending the Tuesday night ride. All riders must abide by the Highway Traffic Act.

Bamberg Loop / Greenwood Hill

“Hard and Hilly”. The 2011 Provincial Championship course. Combines the best of the old “short” loop course from years gone by (Kressler Hill & “the three sisters” on Weimar), with the new features of the route out to Wellesley (Greenwood Hill and the rollers and final climb on Hessen Strasse before Moser-Young). We expect it to be the most challenging loop yet. Just look at the profile of the course.

Touring Options

Starting on July 4th we will introduce touring options to the Tuesday night right. Listen at the ride announcements for more information.


  1. There is a chain across the entrance and exit of the church parking lot which was put in place to deter trucks from using it as a turn around. It is not locked and we are welcome to park at the church. Please put the chain back up if you are the last to leave.
  2. You MUST be a WCC member to ride. Please bring your current membership card with you. This ensures we all have insurance extended to us through the Ontario Cycling Association.
  3. Please remember it is your responsibility to ensure that you are able to ride a minimum distance of 30 km and be able to repair your own flats.
  4. Given the length of our route and the speeds that we achieve, hybrid bicycles are not recommended for the Tuesday Night Ride.
  5. “Aero-bars” are not allowed in formation riding.
  6. You must be able to ride a distance of at least 30 km and be able to repair your own flats.


Tuesday night rides begin early April (weather permitting) at 6:30pm (6:00pm after labour day).


The Erbsville Church